
Attention! Karunā

The weekend before life gets busy🙈
🎵 Lucid Dreams by Juice Wrld

(其實我一直覺得自己做的咖啡比外面的好喝😂不過這杯是over the top💕)
訣竅是:一勺棕糖一勺黃油,炒融化後加豆奶,沸騰後倒進新鮮的french press裡。Oh. My. God.
(參考的recipe還叫加朗姆酒🤔非常適合day drink的頹廢青年們😂)

所以昨天決定要瘋狂地玩,背了單詞預習完實驗之後看重溫了哈利波特電影4, 5, 6, 7.1, 7.2🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
I want to say I'm not proud of myself(?, but HO HO HO, I totally am, both impressed and proud 😂


Here's to a grace-filled week❤

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